Let us welcome this Night of Hope

Glimmers December 24, 2022

Dear Friends,

On this Christmas Eve, we await the birth of new life: in ourselves…our souls and hearts; in our relationships…with their connections and concerns; in this moment… of wonder and waiting. What does that look like for you?

The Christmas tale leads us into a profound story of hope that transcends cookies and presents, that aligns our intentions with all world religions, that renews our commitment to the path of Love. What does that feel like for you?

My prayer and words today are directed toward those of you who are struggling with the commercial chaos of Christmas. My heart reaches out to those whose own heart is broken through loss, misunderstanding, isolation, or disenfranchisement in the midst of the cultural expectations that surround us. How are you balancing your inner life with the splashy outer events in your world?

On this Christmas Eve, I offer Jan Richardson’s “Blessing of Hope,” as comfort and reminder. Our loving God walks with us in expectation and in disappointment, in joy and confusion. As we learn the ways of unitive consciousness, the gift of both/and teaches us to hold conflicting feelings alongside the gift of hope. May hope, indeed, be born on this night…on every night.  With love to you dear friends, Lisa


So we may know the hope that is not just for someday, but for this day – here, now, in this moments that opens to us:

hope not made of wishes but of substance, hope made of sinew and muscle and bone,

hope that has breath and a beating heart, hope that will not keep quiet and be polite,

hope that knows how to holler when it is called for, hope that knows how to sing when there seems little cause,

hope that raises us from the dead – not someday but this day, every day, again and again and again.


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