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Zoom program: Group Spiritual Direction – Claiming the Light Within – SOLD OUT

October 11, 2022


Come share the sacred space of Group Spiritual Direction to support your exploration of the Light that resides within each of us. Allow our circle of trust through a monthly Zoom session to encounter the Divine within one another, yourself, and in our brave and complex world. GSD, introduced by Rose Mary Dougherty, SSND, provides a gentle container for silence and reflection, inviting participants to “be with God on behalf of one another.” Together, we will claim and savor the Light of love that leads us forward. Sessions will be 6-8p ET on the following Tuesdays: 10/11/22, 11/8/22, 12/13/22, 1/10/23, 2/14/23, 3/14/23  REGISTER HERE